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"Over the last four months my son has attend the Ubuntu Leadership Academy, there has been a significant improvement in his school performance. He has gone from doing work at the first grade level to the fifth grade level. He can now read and is doing well ."

Augustine Mulbah

Augustine Muibah

"My son Augustine came to the US in December of 2022. Back in Liberia, he was in 3rd grade going into 4th grade. They placed him in 7th grade when he came to the US. It was extremely hard for him because he didn't know basic things such as his American alphabet or how to read English. He became lost in school. I struggled to find a way to help him.


By this point he was in 8th grade. One day, I shared my frustration with the lady who does my hair. She told me Genesis Youth Foundation helps kids like Augustine. I knew of Genesis. I practiced on the Genesis FC soccer team when I first came to Iowa. I never knew they had an academic program. She gave me Sam Gabriel's cell phone number, and I called him. I explained my situation to him. He told me Genesis could help and to go to the Learning Center to enroll Augustine.


He started coming to Genesis two nights a week. Before coming to Genesis, I had a conference with five teachers from Indian Hills Junior High (WDMCS), in the West Des Moines Community Schools. They explained he was doing work at the 1st-grade level. They were concerned for him. Over the last four months he has attended Genesis, there has been a significant improvement in Augustine. I had a conference with those same teachers. They informed me he is now doing work at a 5th-grade level. He can now read and is doing well.


It goes beyond the academic aspect. Augustine became overwhelmed in school before. He would hide out in the bathroom and miss class. I would get notifications on my phone telling me he was absent. Now, I don't get those notifications. He can communicate with his teachers and peers. He even does group work. His teachers say he has started to volunteer to lead work groups. I am so thankful for the help Genesis Youth Foundation has provided my son. I cannot wait to see him continue to improve!"


Peter Murula


Peter has always loved soccer even as a small child in Africa. When he moved to Iowa, he wanted to play soccer, but I didn't know how to make that possible. His uncle (my little brother) saw a post on Facebook about Genesis FC and shared it with me. Peter also heard good things about it from kids at school.


So that's how we decided to bring him to Genesis FC. Peter was always a shy kid. It was hard for him to talk to people, even his classmates, but when he started playing with Genesis, he learned to communicate with other kids. He made friends and finally was able to play the game he loved.


Genesis FC helped Peter gain confidence and social skills. He says his coach and staff are so caring. They show him how much they wish the best for all the kids and do everything they can to make all the kid's dreams of playing soccer come true.


Peter said he feels so good playing soccer with Genesis FC and he is 100% sure that Genesis will help him fulfill his dream.


Gerome Masia


Meet Germone Masia, a resilient individual who overcame immense challenges. After 27 years in Tanzanian refugee camps and arriving in the US last year, he found hope and support through Genesis Youth Foundation's English Learning classes. He said he first heard about the nonprofit while attending Living Water Church.


"The knowledge and wisdom I've gained at Genesis Youth Foundation is invaluable," explains Germone. He says learning simple things like the difference between pronouns has helped him immensely.


Recently, the GYF staff helped him navigate ordering parts online to fix his disabled vehicle. He says it helps to have a resource and somewhere to turn. Genesis Youth Foundation is proud to be part of Germone's journey towards a brighter future and support refugees like him in navigating the many obstacles they face.


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